Write this way. Right now.

I write B2B. Beautifully.

Hello, I'm Glenn Sturgess.

After three decades of working and copywriting for brands, organisations and agencies, I decided to go freelance in 2021.

My schtick is B2B, but I can turn my hand to all forms of copywriting craft. And you can hire my creative brain for all your copywriting, scriptwriting and content needs. Campaigns, content marketing, brand positioning - everything from headlines to long-form - I do it all. 

Check out these lovely LinkedIn endorsements

"A wealth of experience and a wide range of skills that make him fantastic at his craft."

"I love working with Glenn: he's a brilliantly passionate person with an 
acute understanding of campaign goals and creative execution." 

"Glenn is a serious brain and genuinely brilliant guy."

"Dedicated, reliable yet brings a sense of fun and contagious excitement to every job."

Plus, I've even featured in a Dave Harland (AKA The Word Man) newsletter: "the guy's a B2B machine...if you want B2B, he's your man"
That was from rewriting a bunch of headlines in my spare time. Just imagine what I could do for you when I'm 100% focused on your work.

To be or not to B2B? 

There's no question in my mind... a good copywriter is adept at all forms of copy - long, short, B2B, B2C. It's all about the reader. So, while your language and tone flex, fundamentals of great writing don't change.

30 years'


50+ brands

under my belt

100 billion

brain cells at your service

The kind of work I love

Samples of my work on request - here's a snippet of my copywriting and content creds 

Land Rover
Direct marketing

No one makes vehicles like Land Rover. B2B and B2C sales and marketing campaign materials including outdoor advertising and direct mail.



Transform magazine

Helping to position Vodafone Business as a leader in communications services. Editor and copywriter of this digital magazine for two years.

Keeping us connected

I managed multi-disciplinary team on My EE of 200 people. In the pandemic, we kept people connected and won awards for our free data campaign, NHS Unlimited.

Photo by Alice Pasqual on Unsplash 

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